At Michigan Acupuncture Studio, we recognize that food cravings, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, are indicative of underlying imbalances within the body’s complex systems. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the Five Element Theory provide a framework for understanding these cravings, revealing insights into one’s health.
The Five Flavors and Their Associations
Organ System: Spleen and Stomach
Emotions: Worry, feeling ungrounded
Cravings: Sugar, sweets, grains, dairy
Reason: According to Yinova Center, cravings for sweet foods often point to a need for energy or a deficiency in Spleen Qi. Moderate consumption of sweet foods can support Spleen Qi, while excessive intake may exacerbate imbalances.
Helpful Foods: Whole grains, apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, cinnamon, ginger.
Organ System: Lungs and Large Intestine
Emotions: Grief and sorrow
Cravings: Spicy food, hot sauce, wasabi
Reason: As outlined by TCM World, pungent flavors help disperse Qi, stimulate circulation, and clear mucus. Craving spicy foods generally indicates a need to address blockages and warm the body.
Helpful Foods: Turmeric, onions, radishes, ginger, garlic, chili peppers.
Organ System: Kidneys and Bladder
Emotions: Fear and willpower
Cravings: Extra salt, chips, cheese
Reason: Menda Acupuncture highlights that salt cravings often signal kidney imbalances or adrenal fatigue. Excessive salt intake can impair Kidney function and disrupt the body’s water and mineral balance.
Helpful Foods: Miso, sea salt, sea vegetables, brine pickles.
Organ System: Liver and Gallbladder
Emotions: Frustration, anger, stress
Cravings: Sour candy, citrus, fermented foods
Reason: According to TCM World, sour cravings are linked to Liver energy imbalances related to stress or frustration. Sour foods assist in maintaining smooth Liver Qi flow.
Helpful Foods: Fermented foods, vinegar, tart cherries, kiwis, grapefruit.
Organ System: Heart and Small Intestine
Emotions: Joy, love, hate
Cravings: Coffee, chocolate, caffeine
Reason: Menda Acupuncture suggests that a desire for bitter flavors often signals a need to balance Heart energy or clear excess heat. Bitter foods provide a cooling effect and support detoxification.
Helpful Foods: Dandelion, parsley, arugula, kale, celery.
Diet and Nutrition According to TCM
In TCM, diet is essential for maintaining health and preventing illness. The balance of the five flavors—sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty—helps harmonize the body’s energies and supports organ functions. Foods are categorized by their energetic properties, such as warming or cooling, to match individual health needs. Adhering to these principles promotes optimal digestion, boosts energy, and enhances overall well-being.
Understanding and addressing food cravings through TCM provides a comprehensive approach to achieving balance and enhancing health.
Yinova Center. "What Your Cravings Are Telling You: Some Tips for Healthier Alternatives." Yinova Center, 6 Mar. 2019. Link
TCM World. "Your Body Never Lies: Cravings." TCM World, 6 Mar. 2019. Link
Keller, Dr. Lauren. "Traditional Chinese Medicine and Food Cravings." 6 Mar. 2019