Acupuncture is a practice that originated in China, where it is believed that sharpened stones were used to deliver treatment as long ago as 6,000 BCE.
The philosophy by acupuncture is that human beings have qi (pronounced chee). Qi is commonly described as energy, but it ultimately describes the way the body is aware and can act to restore balance and health. That “awareness” is qi, and acupuncture is one of the methods used to prompt our body’s self-healing abilities.
The modern practice of acupuncture involves placing sterile needles at specific points on the body. The needles are very thin and painless but sometimes can cause minor discomfort at each acupoint. When the needles are rotated, the connective tissue underneath the skin attaches and remains stretched, which causes increased electrical conductivity.
Connective tissue is everywhere inside of us and it has many functions aside from conducting electricity. It also holds organs in place, offers a path for nerves and blood vessels, stores energy and attaches muscle to bone. Collagen, one of the components of connective tissue, has layers of water bound to it that form a uniquely conductive pathway, allowing an electrical charge to travel rapidly throughout the body. This effect is found at the cellular level, resulting in decreased chronic inflammation and reduced pain.